Self- Assessment Essay

As the semester draws to a close, this self-assessment essay offers me an opportunity to reflect on my growth as a writer and researcher. Throughout the course, I’ve seen minor yet effective  improvements in my writing skills, from shaping narratives to perfectly implementing  persuasive rhetoric. Initially not very great at writing, I now approach writing with confidence. In this essay I’ll explore and best describe my journey  throughout the course, addressing  the prompt/guideline and my progress over the semester.

In my group work there were no significant linguistic differences or modes of expression among team members. However, I made an effort to integrate myself with how people expressed themselves, ensuring understanding among all my group members. Recognizing the importance of different communication styles, I tried to foster an environment where everyone was comfortable contributing, without imposing excessive openness on those who may have been more introverted. By maintaining sensitivity to everyone’s preferences, efforts were made by mutual respect and effective communication. 

Engaging in peer reviews both as a reviewer and recipient significantly influenced my perception of my own work. Initially, reading peer reviews and comparing them to my own writing sometimes felt demotivating, especially when I encountered excellent pieces of literature that seemed to downplay my own efforts. However, through this process, I came to realize that the key to progress in the course was not to dwell on comparisons with others but to focus on how I could enhance my own writing. The shift in perspective allowed me to approach revisions with a renewed will to improve my work. While my initial goal was to write flawlessly from the get go, I learned that revision is an important part of the writing process and that embracing constructive criticism is necessary for growth. The critiques provided by peers added valuable insights that I incorporated into my revisions, leading to a deeper understanding of my strengths and areas for improvement.

A repetitive aspect of the course was understanding the audience for our writing projects. While I initially encountered some challenges in identifying and catering to the needs of the audience, taking a step back and reassessing proved to be the solution i needed. I made adjustments to my work based on my understanding of the vocabulary level and prior knowledge of my audience. For example, in my PSA, I ensured inclusivity by adapting the content to cater to individuals of all backgrounds. This involved making the text easily readable, engaging, and accessible to those with shorter attention spans. Additionally, I took into consideration factors such as color blindness, utilizing color coded vocabulary and visually appealing designs to enhance comprehension and readability for all audience members. Its safe to say I was very proud of that. 

During our group work sessions on the other hand, my group members and I opted for zoom meetings especially after  we recognized the simplicity of avoiding lengthy commutes. Our meetings were always focused on the task at hand and we did engage in surface level conversations, fostering a sense of friendship among team members. Exchange of contact information was common, facilitating communication outside of class/college and serving as a platform for addressing questions and clarifications regarding group work. Despite the absence of in person interactions, our collaborative efforts are characterized by effective communication and mutual support, contributing to the success of our group projects.

In regards to  my writing, I often did consider my point of view, recognizing its importance in shaping the content and argumentation of my assignments, especially since opinions played a significant role for a majority of assignments. For example, in my AI presentation, I addressed the complex issue of AI bias and brought attention to the fact that humanity is not solely responsible for AI bias. I argued that AI, as a learning model, bears some responsibility for the biases it interprets. 

When it came to research, as mentioned before, a repetitive aspect in the course, I utilized scholarly sources accessible through the CCNY library and often referred to peer reviewed documents, exhibiting my own bias for those documents given that they have already been reviewed, there is an allure to these works. That allure is best described as “less work for you”. 

In conclusion reflecting on this writing course, I’ve undergone significant growth in various aspects of writing, from rhetorical senses to effective revision strategies. Collaborating with peers and critically evaluating my work have been valuable experiences and growth to my being. Moving forward, I will surely be applying these skills in my academic and professional pursuits. I’m grateful for the lessons learned and look forward to embracing new challenges with confidence.